
In Press

Köhler, E.C., Ferschin, P., Hood, A.G.E., Junge, F., Kovács, B., & Minotti, M. (In Press). A preliminary report of new archaeological fieldwork at the Tomb of Queen Meret-Neith of the 1st Dynasty at Abydos – Umm el-Qa’ab. Egypt and the Levant, 33.

Hood, A.G.E., Dunne, J., Köhler, E.C., Junge, F., Evershed, R.P. (In Press). Absorbed residue analysis of funerary ceramics from the early dynastic cemetery of Maassara (Helwan). Egypt at its Origins 7. Leuven: Peeters.

Köhler, E., Sählhof, M., Engle, E., & Hood, A.G.E. (In Press). Abydos. Antike Welt, 10.


Hood, A.G.E., El Dorry, M.-A., Odler, M., Rowland, R., & Zakrzewski, S. (2023). Beyond dating: Science in Egyptology. Interdisciplinary Egyptology, Special Issue 1, 12. PDF here.

Hood, A.G.E. (2023). Fine grain settling protocols for luminescence dating of museum objects sampled using the minimum extraction technique. Ancient TL, 41, 5–8. PDF here.

Köhler, E.C., Hood, A.G.E., & de Souza, A. M. (2023). Egyptology during covid: Interdisciplinary Egyptology journal. Egyptian Archaeology, 60.

Hood, A.G.E., de Souza, A. M., & Köhler, E. C. (Eds.). (2022–2023). Egyptology and interdisciplinarity: The future of the field. Interdisciplinary Egyptology Special Issue 1. Vienna: University of Vienna. Access here.

Hood, A.G.E. (2022). Towards interdisciplinarity in Egyptology. Interdisciplinary Egyptology, Special Issue 1, 1. PDF here.

Hood, A.G.E. (2022). The extended minimum extraction technique: An update on sampling protocols. Ancient TL, 40, 8–10. PDF here.

Highcock, E. G., Hood, A.G.E., & Schwenninger, J.-L. (2019). Luminescence as a relative dating tool: Part A–theory. Ancient TL, 37(2), 9–13. PDF here.

Hood, A.G.E., Köhler, E.C., Highcock, E.G., & Schwenninger, J.-L. (2019). Luminescence as a relative dating tool: Part B–application. Ancient TL, 37(2), 14–20. PDF here.

Hood, A.G.E., & Highcock, E.G. (2019). Using DOSIVOX to reconstruct radiation transport through complex archaeological environments. Methods & Protocols, 2(4), 91. PDF here.

Hood, A.G.E. (2018). A brief look at First and Second Dynasty ceramics at Elephantine and their chronological implications. In P. Kopp (Ed.), Funde und befunde aus der umgebung des satettempels. Grabungen von 2006-2009, Elephantine. Mainz: Verlag Philipp Von Zabern: 153–173. PDF here.

Hood, A.G.E. (2017). New insights into old problems: The application of a multidisciplinary approach to the study of early Egyptian ceramic chronology, with a focus on luminescence dating. Doctoral Thesis, University of Oxford. PDF here.

Hood, A.G.E., Woodworth, M., Dee, M. W., Schwenninger, J.-L., Bronk Ramsey, C., & Ditchfield, P. W. (2017). A tale of six vessels: A multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of six Predynastic and Early Dynastic vessels from Abydos, Ballas and Naqada – preliminary remarks. Egypt at its origins 5. OLA 260. Lueven: Peeters: 645–656. PDF here.

Hood, A.G.E., & Schwenninger, J.-L. (2016). Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and its application to ancient Egyptian ceramics in the 21st century. Vienna 2 – Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st Century. OLA 245. Leuven: Peeters: 287–298. PDF here.

Hood, A.G.E., & Schwenninger, J.-L. (2015). The minimum extraction technique: A new sampling methodology for optically stimulated luminescence dating of museum ceramics. Quaternary Geochronology, 30, 381–385. PDF here.

Hood, A.G.E., & Valentine, J. L. (2012). The application of cladistics to Early Dynastic Egyptian ceramics: Applying a new method. Egyptology in Australia and New Zealand 2009. Oxford: Archaeopress: 47–59. PDF here.

Köhler, E.C., Smythe, J. C., & Hood, A.G.E. (2011). Naqada IIIC-D – the end of the Naqada Culture? Archéo-Nil, 21, 101–110. PDF here.

Regulski, I., Lacher, C., & Hood, A.G.E. (2010). Preliminary report on the excavations in the Second Dynasty necropolis at Saqqara, Season 2009. Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux, 42, 25–53. PDF here.

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